Sunday, March 20, 2005

WVU = Sweet 16!!!!

Ok - if you missed the game last night, you really missed THE game!!! WVU beat Wake Forrest in double OT 111-105. I went out to dinner at a very nice restaurant in my small town and then went to see "To Kill A Mockingbird" at our theatre. I made these plans several weeks before I knew WVU could even be in the NCAA tourney. On the way back from the play, we went by an electronics store in downtown that had the WVU game on a TV in the window. I said, "Oh my god, Mike! WVU is winning 79-77 in OT!" We were a low flying airplane the rest of the way home. We ran into my kitchen and turned on the TV and stayed glued there until 12:00 when the game was finally over. There were so many people fouled out I thought they were gonna pull fans out of the stands to start playing! That game was soooooo incredible. Now - if they can just kick Bobby Knight's ass - I can die a happy woman. :)

The play last night was absolutely awesome. All of the actors were extremely talented and they kept Harper Lee's spirit alive. It was great. The play lasted almost 3 hours - like the movie. The set design was incredible. A local church's choir was in the play and they were amazing. They sang a cappella. It was a wonderful show.

Currently, I am seeking refuge in the confines of my room. It is Sunday evening and the entire family comes home for dinner (read - Mom, Dad, Grandad, my sister, her 2 kids, my brother, his wife, and his 2 kids). The house is just a bit full and the noise is incredible. I have retreited to the upstairs with 4 of my cats to escape the noise and the possibility of a migraine. This is almost as bad as the white trash neighbors I have. Usually the pounding bass from their rap music vibrates my windows. I swear, one of these days, I'm going to get my O' Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack out and blast bluegrass music at their house. I would blast my Chevelle CD, however, I don't think it would have much effect. I think they will only respond to banjos at this point. Now I'm sitting here wondering, should I be studying something??? Everyone on AIM appears to be studying - but I can't for the life of me figure out what that could be for. Classes were cancelled on Wednesday of this week for some kind of scholarship shit. Attendance for pharmacy students is mandatory - joyous fun. And, there are no classes on Friday because my University is apparently Methodist and feels the necessity to take Good Friday. I'm not complaining, its just that our school doesn't take any "normal" holidays - such as Labor Day and President's Day. They cancel 2:00PM classes for Martin Luther King, Jr Day. What an honor for Dr. King...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its Stratergery on the part of the moral majority in our country to get you to fall in love with the RIGHT holidays. I'll bet your silly little school was closed for Jesus of Nazareth's Birthday also. I hope you learn that the only proper thing to do when you get a day off that you think is suspect is to protest, that will teach those right wing biatchs. Good Luck, and let me know when and where and I'll be there to help you fight the good fight.

1:28 AM  

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