Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Feminist & Lent

Tonight I did something I never thought I would ever do...participate in a Bible study. Two weeks ago, my elderly neighbor approached me with a book of devotionals for women during the Lenten season. I thanked her for her consideration and tossed the book aside. Let's put it this way, the last time I was in church was the baptism of my nephew - he'll be 4 in May. I've run the gamut with religion. I've been everything from an atheist to a diest to a quasi-Christian. Lately I find myself more in the Christian setting; however some...well, a lot...of my views don't really follow Christian doctrine. My biggest qualm is the "only believers of Jesus Christ go to Heaven" mantra. I think God reaches his children in the best way he sees fit. So, that puts me on the outer fringes of Christianity. Being the feminist that I am, I was curious about the devotionals for women. I've always viewed the Bible as pretty much anti-woman. These devotionals select passages from the Bible that highlight the importance of woman. For example, it was three women that discovered that Christ had risen. So, I decided I'd go to the bible study at my neighbor's house and see how I liked it. Three of the women were over 60 - probably over 70 - and two were in their 30s. I found it rather enjoyable. We discussed the Bible, and we discussed the role of women in society. It was great to be in the room with 6 strong women. I was so enlightened by my experience, that I purchased a Bible for women when I returned home. I amaze myself sometimes.

ROMA - Is it snowing yet?


Blogger ROMA said...

Not here, but maybe you should call Bentonville, Arkansas and see if Wal-Mart headquarters has frozen over.

12:11 AM  

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