Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Nice Place in Hell for Fred Phelps

Here's a story that will make you sick. There is apparently this group of religious nuts that have decided to hold protests at fallen soldiers' funeral. First and foremost, there should never be a protest at a soldier's funeral - regardless of the purpose. That being said these protests are not even pertaining to the war and whether it's right or wrong. Reverend Fred Phelps and his congregation of family members holds anti-gay protests at fallen soldiers' funerals. Phelps believes that God is punishing America for "harboring homosexuals." His protestors carry signs thanking God for the IEDs that kill our soldiers. At a recent memorial service at Fort Campbell, these protestors wrapped themselves in upside down flags and chanted songs with vulgarities about homosexuals and soldiers. In response to state legislatures drafting laws to prohibit their protests, Phelps daughter made the following statement: "The scriptures are crystal clear that when God sets out to punish a nation, it is with the sword. An IED is just a broken-up sword. Since that is his weapon of choice, our forum of choice has got to be a dead soldier's funeral."

I am totally appalled. First of all, the war in Iraq has NOTHING to do with homosexuality. Secondly, I am so sick of this "God is punishing us" shit. Homosexuality is NOT wrong. It is NOT in the Bible. Finally, I'm not a theological scholar by far, but I believe the whole "judging" thing is up to God himself - not dimwits like Phelps. I think God has a special place in Hell for Phelps and all his nut followers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phelps is not only an idiot, but a jerk. Someone, someday will tak a machine gun out and slaughter the whole group. We can only hope.


6:51 PM  
Blogger Axis of Evil said...

How would you feel if these idiots showed up and protested a funeral for miners in WV with signs that said "God Hates Miners"? Well, they did. That's why there is a bill in the WV legislature to prevent anyone protesting within X feet of anyone's funeral. I'm all for free speech and no one has an inherent right not to be offended. Not Christians, not Muslims, not Americans, or any other group. Free speech should be just that - FREE. However, everyone does have an inherent right to mourn their dead in peace. Protesting a funeral goes beyond offending the senses, it pierces an individual's right to privacy.

As far as these morons go - there's a special corner of Hell reserved for self-righteous and judgmental windbags. I think it called the Pat Robertson Room...

11:52 AM  

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