Thursday, June 29, 2006

Keeper of the Keys

I officially passed from the role of pharmacy student to licensed pharmacist today. Without ceremony, I was handed a key to my office, a key to the medication carts, and a key to the outpatient pharmacy. I was also asked to provide a pin number that would allow me access to the narcotic vault. I am now the keeper of keys and passwords for my hospital. It was pretty exiciting. I was also given a pager, consequently tethering me to the hospital for the next year. Now, anyone can find me anywhere at any time. On Tuesday, I was issued three white coats from the facility - one of which has the emblem washed off. My name was ironed into the neck by the uniform clerk. As an added bonus, they would provide me with a key card that allowed me to have my white coats laundered there. I opted out, figuring my detergent smells better, and my fabric softener will make the coat more comfortable. Tomorrow we're going to start planning out the path of my residency. A former resident informed me that I'm already four days late in picking out a topic for my final project. Talk about inducing an anxiety attack...I thought I wouldn't have to pick a project for at least the first week. Sheesh!


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