Sunday, February 25, 2007

Coffee & Surprises

I was reading the newspaper this morning when I stumbled onto an engagement announcement that made me almost spit my coffee out. The guy I used to date in high school is now engaged. In all honesty, I always knew one Sunday I'd read this in the paper. And, I actually also thought it would be a smack in the face. Today, I almost spit my coffee out from snickering - not from shock. My oh my how time changes people. He went from the guy who lifted weights for 3 hours every evening to the guy who apparently has been eating donuts for 3 hours every night. I also couldn't help but notice that his hair is fading away. He's going bald at 25. Holy crap. I asked a fellow high school classmate if he thought my ex's egotisitical attitude faded away with his hair. My classmates reply - "I highly doubt it." Seeing the engagment didn't hurt - it actually made me proud about where I am in life. :)

Here's to the guy who told me I needed to lose weight - the guy who got pissed off when the Alzheimer's patients beat him at Yahtzee - the guy who would pout when I outwitted him - the guy who told me he couldn't see me anymore because I was too emotional over my Nan dying - I guess eventually we all get what is ours. :) I'd say he got his in SPADES. Teehee.


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