Saturday, February 17, 2007

Everybody's Working for the Weekend

...ok, it's just me working for the weekend. What can I say, misery loves company. :) Actually today wasn't too bad. I managed to stay busy most of the day. The ice brought lots of injuries to the ER, so I spent most of the afternoon on the phone with the nurses and docs in the ER getting prescriptions. Hopefully tomorrow will fly by as well.

This evening I was flipping through the channels when I landed on CSPAN and found Senator Byrd passionately addressing the Senate. I sat in awe as I watched him shake his hand and raise his voice. When I attended the Jefferson-Jackson dinner this past October, I was very concerned about his health. However, any reservations I had about his ability to fight the good fight were set aside after I watched him today. He spoke passionately. He waved his hands and stomped his feet. He wants our men and women in uniform home as much as I do. He helped condemn the Republican view that "you can't support our troops and not support the war." I really think the men and women who served in Iraq should be voting on whether we send another 20,000 troops to Iraq. This really shouldn't be a Republican/Democrat matter - but more of a humanity matter. It breaks my heart to see our boys come home broken, shattered - shells of human beings. Those that survive are maimed for life - phsycially, psychologically, and emotionally. This war is the tragedy of my life time. America spoke loud and clear in November, and it's high time the government starts listening. We don't want to send 20,000 more troops - we don't want to send ANY more troops. We want our boys home and we want them home now. Thank you Senator Byrd for hearing us - and for always fighting the good fight.



Blogger ROMA said...

Why do you and your Senator not want victory in Iraq? I want you to know that it was really hard to fabricate all the lies it took to get authorization to go into Iraq in the first place and you should not diminish our countries efforts to make billions and billions of dollars for republican companies. I guess next you are going to be against going into Iran. They are killing your precious soldiers with IED's. We must stop them from interrupting our money train that is Iraq.

Long Live the Occupation. Iraq is Capitalism at its best. The poor fight the riches war and the rich send verbal support. Unless you are making money off this occupation you should ask your children to enlist now.

On a serious note--I was watching McCain in a town hall in Iowa and do you want to now what his number one measurement for the Iraqi government standing up????



"The Iraqi government must pass the oil bill."

You know the one that gives 70% of the oil revenue to American and British companies. You got to love repugnicans always with their eye on the money case.

1:11 PM  

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