Monday, January 08, 2007

Forecast 2007 - Better

Ok - so Roma informed me that not only were my wishes weak, and self-serving, they also lacked creativity. He's harsh these days. So, I turned up some music, and really sat down and thought about what would make 2007 better. Hope this is up to snuff Roma...

1. Exit strategy from Iraq. Sorry, but this still stays #1. The answer is NOT more troops or more money - the answer is to get the hell out now.

2. Peace in Darfur.

3. Lift on stem cell research ban.

4. Access to health care for women with out JUDGMENT. Case in point - I called my pharmacy to find out if they could order Giardasil for me (the HPV vaccine). CF, the religious zealot pharmacist, asked me if I was promiscuous. I proceeded to educate him on the importance of all WOMEN and young girls to be vaccinated againt the virus that can cause cervical cancer. WTF?

5. Plan B OTC access to be granted to those under 18. I mean, honestly, I'd rather the 15yo get the pills than a 25yo. Who thinks up these rules?

6. Pharmacists to leave their religious convictions at the door. Behind the counter is not a place to preach. Contrary to popular belief, the counseling booth is NOT an altar. Get over it or get out of the profession - PERIOD.

7. Democrats to grow a backbone. For God's sake, we got Congress, now let's do something with it! For example - get out of Iraq; ban drilling in Alaska; block conservative judges; put ethics back in politics; etc, etc etc.

8. Abolishment of the PATRIOT Act. There is nothing patriotic about suspending civil liberties.

9. Trash "No Child Left Behind." Kids are getting dumber - now instead of teaching subjects, we're teaching tests. Why? Because now teachers are judged based on standardized test scores.

10. Increase benefits to our veterans. We're sending them to a war that is sending them back broken physically, emotionally, and mentally. To add insult to injury, we keep cutting veteran benefits. It's time to take care of these guys.


Blogger ROMA said...

The loud music must make you concentrate better. Loved the list.

Did CF really ask you if you were a whore? He told me once you had a butt that would make a rapper blush.

11:54 PM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

Glad the list was adequate this time! You're so damn hard to please these days.

Yes - CF asked me if I needed the vaccination. HA! I can hear Melvin saying something like that but not CF. You're so full of it! HA!

6:23 PM  

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