Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ahsirt - Director of Pharmacy Services

So, Mr. Tramadol came looking for me at the outpatient pharmacy. He was looking for Ahsirt, Director of Pharmacy Services. *snicker* You gotta love this guy. I'm just a lowly resident and he thinks I'm the director of pharmacy. I guess it's not entirely his fault - if someone denied me medicine, I'd think they were pretty powerful. Alas, I'm just a lowly resident who gets to recommend denial. I suppose to idiot doctor forgot that important word.

Today I staffed the outpatient pharmacy. I actually have grown to like staffing on the weekends. There's something almost relaxing about running the pharmacy. Today flew by - between answering the 15 non-formularies pending from yesterday (was everyone on vacation yesterday, or what?), completing all the pending mailers for 2 of our clinics, and checking at least 100 prescriptions to be mailed, I didn't have much time to think about anything else. I guess I've even found staffing to be therapeutic for my mind which tends to want to dwell on the past...

My insatiable desire to be part of the critical care arena has led me to consider becoming an EMT. I'd love to be a critical care pharmacist; however another year of residency just does NOT interest me. I figure I might be able to feed this desire by becoming an EMT. This will be the third time I've considered making this move - but the first time that I actually looked up when the classes are offered. It appears as though I just missed one. Go figure. Next step is to stop at the volunteer fire department I'm thinking of joining. A little birdy told me if I join, they'll pay for my class. Very nice. This should also help feed my desire to be near firemen. HA! Kill 2 birds with one stone. ;)

Absurd moment of the day: Old Veteran - "I used to have my blood monitored at that clinic with Diane." Me - "She was a really nice lady." Old Veteran - "Yea she was, but you know what? She finally got my blood stable and then she went and died." Me - "..." Old Veteran - "I really don't know why she had to do that to me." Me - "I really don't think she died on purpose. She was very ill." Old Veteran - "Well my blood just hasn't been right since. Don't know why she had to go and die.."


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