Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Salute to WV DOT

I learned today that our Department of Highways is something like 600 snow-plow drivers short. Did I say 600? Why, yes I did. Apparently having a CDL is not a requirement for employment. When I think of the DOT, I really don't think of cars. I picture trucks that likely require a CDL to operate. Just another ineptitude of WV... We got 3 inches of snow today and our little town came to a halt. I drove to work at 7:30 this morning and the roads had never been touched - no plow, no salt, no cinder. However, the construction crew, which is apparently putting my tax dollars to work, made it to the work site with no problem. Construction + 3 inches of snow = commute from Hell. I asked the following question at work today - "Why can't WV do construction at night like other states?" The lab tech , who hails from Virginia, informed me that it was because WV only has one construction truck...and the lights are broken. I told him to kiss my WV ass. :) At least we can agree to hate Virginia Tech...



Blogger Axis of Evil said...

The WVDOH pays its laborers a paltry $7.00 per hour. Why would anyone with a CDL work for the state at $7.00 per hour? Answer: They wouldn't. Most guys there started years ago with no education and can't leave now because they're hanging on for a shitty pension. The local shed has maybe 7-8 dump trucks, two graders, a loader, a tar truck, and a roller. That only accounts for half of the workforce. The other guys flag, shovel, remove dead animals from the road, breathe toxic tar fumes, and repair the equipment. These guys ride shotgun during snow storms where they face boredom and treacherous road conditions for $7.00 per hour. The job sucks, the pay sucks, the benefits suck, and the management sucks. These guys are the working poor - they work 40 hours a week to earn a paycheck which they promptly blow on cigarettes (which slowly kill them), alcohol (which slowly kills them), and lottery tickets (whose revenues pay their salaries). And these aren't generalities - I spent four summers working with these guys.

5:47 PM  

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