Thursday, June 02, 2005

Is that hotdogs I smell???

I officially have six days left in DC and I can't tell you how happy I am. :) The rotation is going a lot smoother than it was three weeks ago. Today I had to bid farewell to one of the girls I work with. She is a clinical pharmacist at WHC and will be on vacation next week (my last week). Today, she showed me the morgue. I didn't venture inside - but I have to admit, I was intrigued. Surprisingly, it's not in the basement! The place I found during my first week was in fact the department of pathology. It's where they study tissue samples. They don't store bodies there. The real're not going to believe where it's located. It's located BESIDE the cafeteria. This is why I saw the dead body on my first day. The "viewing room" is located directly across from the cafeteria entrance. Isn't that great? The critical care pharmacy is located on the other side of the morgue. Jenny informed me that you can tell when the freezer is on the outs. The entire ground level smells oddly of hotdogs - and it ain't the Nathans hotdogs cooking in the cafe. I don't think I'll ever eat a hotdog again!

As the end of my rotation draws nearer, I have to sit and reflect on where I want to go in pharmacy as opposed to where I thought I would go. This has been my first clinical rotation experience and I must say, I'm totally hooked. It challenges me. It makes me think. It is something different every day. I like it...and I don't think there will be any looking back from here. Every day I go, I become more determined to do a residency and work in a clinical field. I have worked in retail for two years and I have used my education more in the past 3 weeks than I did in the last two years at work. And...there are NO insurance companies! No assholes in India telling me that my patients can't have their blood pressure medicine filled at my pharmacy. No prior authorizations. No fighting over copays. Best of all - no monotony. I haven't sworn off retail, but I must say that I'm seriously considering not entering the retail field. It's a shame that WHC is in DC, because I would definitely take my preceptor up on his offer of job. It's this damn commute that's killing me...


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