Friday, May 13, 2005


"The unrational fear of Friday the 13th." How fitting that the Friday before I head to DC is Friday the 13th. Can I get anymore bad luck? Bah! Why is Friday the 13th considered so unlucky? Well, I did some research today - in between episodes of Judging Amy on TNT. According to the Phobia Center in Asheville, North Carolina, Eve gave Adam the dreaded apple of doom on a Friday. At the Last Supper, there were 13 people sitting at the table; and Jesus was crucified on a Friday. Ok - that's not why I would consider it unlucky. Is NC in the Bible belt now? I quickly moved on from the Phobia Center to other resources. I found some pretty amazing facts. For example, 90% of Otis elevators don't have a button for the 13th floor. So I take it if you are unlucky enough to work on the 13th floor, you are either screwed or you get your exercise. The US Navy will not launch a ship on Friday the 13th. Attention all enemies of the US - apparently our Navy is on vacation on Friday the 13th, do as you will. I found that fact a little unnerving. I hope we don't pass that tidbit along too often. A correctly tied hangman's noose has thirteen knots and executions used to be held on Fridays. Hmmm...Connecticut executed Michael Ross at 2am this morning. Coincidence? Probably - but it does add to the superstition of the day. Finally, one more fact that made me laugh. Air travel (actually all travel in general) decreases on Friday the 13th...unless you look at incoming flights to Las Vegas. It appears as though the number 13, while unlucky in other aspects of life, carries with it a sense of luck for gamblers. Travel to Las Vegas on Friday the 13th increases. Interesting...


Blogger ahsirt said...

HA! Excellent question. The first part is definitely "para" like a "pair a" jeans. I would pronounce "skevide" together just like sounds. Then mumble through the rest until I got to "phobia." :)

4:35 PM  

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