Wednesday, April 27, 2005 2005??

I arrived at pharmacy school today to find another asshole parked in my parking spot. Back in January, I won a parking spot located at the front of the lot. It's clearly labeled with a sign that says "RESERVED for P3 Raffle Winner 7am-6pm." The sign is cream and teal in color and definitely is noticable. It has become blatantly obvious to me over the past two weeks that the majority of general public cannot read or cannot see. Last week, some idiot with a Massachusetts license plate parked in my spot. I went to security and had them ticketed. Last Friday, we had this nursing research day thing here at the school. Some stupid nurse staff member parked in my spot. I had her ticketed. Today I pulled in to find some stupid Apple Blossom Festival patron parked in my spot. I had them ticketed. Why is it so hard to read a sign??? Good lord! I have also come to realize that illiteracy affects the old and the young. The pharmacy I am employed at hired a new girl four weeks ago. Around this time I noticed that someone had written the alphabet on the top of our drug bays. We had just had inventory and figured that was why the letters were there. But then I got the pleasure of working with this girl. She was looking for Tegretol in the "A's"!!!! The pharmacist-in-charge asked her what drug she was looking for and she told him. He calmly said, "What letters are atop the bay you are looking in?" She replied, "Aa-Au." He said, "Is that the right bay?" She replied, "I don't know!" He replied, "Try the 'T's'." She giggled and stood in the "A's" for a couple more seconds. Finally she relocated to the "T" bin. It took her 10 more minutes to find the drug. She tries my patience beyond belief! Why are so many people unable to read?? I attribute it to our continual "dumbing down" of the standards in the public education system. Johnny can't do fractions in fourth grade...fine! Let's move fractions to the eigth grade and forget algebra! Perhaps we should forget about fractions all together. Apparently we need to teach the "ABC's" every day of every year in the public education pathetic.


Blogger ThatIsMeWhat said...

I think dropping fractions all-together is a swell idea! I never liked them. While we're at it, let's just drop education! The public can become a bunch of drooling idiots who do whatever they're told by the media. Oh wait...

6:23 PM  
Blogger DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

No offense but for someone ranting so much about idiocy you sure did bitch a lot about a parking spot....hmmmm? Might want to get your priorities straight but at any rate I like your style, haha, later...

8:03 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

They should raffle off 10 spaces imagine all the money they would make off the tickets. Sounds to me like the school is using you to make them money. I think they knew that you thrive off injustice and knew you would rant and rave and demand cars be ticketed if you found someone in your spot. Did you ever think you were chosen to be the winner instead of actual luck of the draw?

2:42 PM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

Actually Roma, the raffle was not held by the school of pharmacy, but rather by one of the fraternities - Phi Delta Chi. I bought the ticket to support a fellow organization at the school - and had bought a ticket every semester before. This was the first time I won the raffle, so I highly doubt that I was given the spot as opposed to being selected for the spot.

11:04 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

That's good to hear, I would hate to see people use your spirit for their gain. Last day of classes. Wow! Enjoy and don't cry to much.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I parked in one spot that was TOO BIG. Then I tried another spot but is was TOO SMALL. Then I found your spot and it was JUST RIGHT. Now, if I could only get some sleep without some asshole bitching about my new parking space...

8:43 AM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

HA! =)

1:34 PM  

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