Monday, April 18, 2005

Metal Rooster???

Kit's a fire dragon and I'm a...metal rooster? Ah, c'mon! The fates have betrayed me yet again. When I go to Chinese restaurants, I must face the harsh reality that my zodiac sign is the "cock." I had aspirations and dreams of being a fire rooster...or as the Chinese say, a fire cock. My sister is a fire horse for God's sake! Today, Kit informed me that my true sign is the metal rooster. I'm a metal cock. I can't believe this. Oh, the shame, the shame. At least a title like "fire cock" causes ears to perk up. As a rooster, I know that I am eccentric. I am moody. I am talented. I enjoy solitude. I am self-centered, but brave when duty calls. All of these are true. But a metal rooster...what's so special about a metal rooster? Apparently, the metal rooster, is extraordinally talented. (I'm liking this already). "Of all twelve Zodiac signs, this one is probably the most high-minded of them all, with a very clean line of thought. The Metal Roosters can distinguish right from wrong very clearly and it doesn't matter which direction they pursue, they always wind up going the right way. If they confront a maze, or big problem, they will immediately see a solution because of their analytical, logical way of thinking. Through their perseverance, any hurricane becomes an orderly thing of beauty, just like that! When it's time for romance, the male Metal Rooster has no trouble at all, love just abounds; the female has a tendency to keep to herself, making connections less freely, but lastingly when they happen." Wow...what at first seemed unattractive now is being welcomed with open arms. I am a metal cock...NO - I am the metal rooster!


Blogger ThatIsMeWhat said...

Hey I have news for you Ms. Metal I mean Steely Dan: You may be a metal rooster but you are growing the cahones of a FIRE DRAGON. We are proud. And BTW, we will also be looking for you to be less solituderific.


Fire Dragon of Doom

9:54 PM  

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