Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Greatest Hypocrite of All

Sitting in my Pharmacy Law class today, I decided to skim the headlines at CNN. Under the Law section (I figured I'd honor my law professor by at least violating the honor code by looking at law matters), I found a headline that was quite disturbing. It appears as though a North Carolina man has attempted to obtain contract hits on Terry Schiavo's husband and Judge Greer. The man was offering $250,000 for the head of Michael Schiavo and a whopping $500,000 for the head of Judge Greer. For those of you who have not been imersed in the Terry Schiavo fiasco, Judge Greer is the judge that ordered the removal of her feeding tube. Ok - this is why I love the right to life movement. "Let Terry Schiavo life! But, let's kill her husband and a judge!" Apparently Michael Schiavo and Judge Greer have no right to life? Hmmm...I don't know about you but I see holes in the logic of this thought process. You can't truly be right to life and yet advocate the cold-blooded murder of living, viable human beings! The same goes for those idiots that blow up abortion clinics. Hello! There are living, viable human beings in there....and this is the best part - what about the pregnant woman there to have an abortion? Um - you just blew that "life" up too. It must be nice to have it both ways. Right to life when it fits your agenda, murder for those who don't see it your way. I don't think I've ever heard of a more hypocritical agenda...


Blogger ROMA said...

Yes, OhShit you are correct. (I'm assuming you just misspelled what you wanted your name to be) Most all Right wing conservatives that have a pro-life stance when it comes to a few cells in a women’s uterus are hypocrites. These are the same people that are pro preemptive war and also pro death penalty. You can not have the "Culture of life" stance and be pro war and death penalty. You can not be pro innocent children dieing on the streets of Baghdad and pro-life at home. Their stances just don't mesh. Hardly anything coming out of the Right wing Republicans mouths makes sense these days.

11:35 PM  

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