Monday, April 25, 2005

Mixed Feelings

I am sitting here on my last Monday in didatic classes ever...and instead of bubbling with glee I'm somewhat nervous and a little sad. Nervous because I'm about to start a year of clinical rotations - and I don't know what to expect. Also - if you know anything about me, you would know that I do not deal well with change at all. I find comfort in familiarity...and anxiety in the unknown. Dr. Latif pointed out that I have a low tolerance for the ambiguous (the only thing I ever learned from that man). Nervous I can handle...and even understand. But why am I sad? I hated every day of my P1 year. I cursed the students in my class. I thought the majority of them were materialistic jerks (to put it lightly). The only thing that helped me make it through that semester was a picture taped to my wall of Jaguar S-Type R with "The people at Pharmacy school aren't that bad" written across it. I have since taken the picture down and realized that I never really gave half the people in my class a chance. I now get along exceptionally well with the majority of my pharmacy class. I've even become close friends with some of them. There are still a few that I don't particularly care for...and still a few that I believe will make HORRIBLE pharmacists...but on the whole, I feel more like a part of this class than I did of my high school graduation class. This Thursday at Phollies there will be a slideshow presentation of a bunch of pictures of all of us over the past 3 years...and now I know I'll be the sap with the tissue. I swore to God my P1 year that I would never cry over these people. Apparently, my hypocrisy knows no bounds. So these parting feelings - I suppose their normal. After all, isn't graduation supposed to be 'bittersweet?' I wouldn't want it any other way...


Blogger ThatIsMeWhat said...

The irony has not escaped me that I am having the best time in 3 years...right now. Four days left. I am bracing for a period of severe depression. From your friends and acquaintances, you derive some of yourself. The way you feel about yourself is wonderful when someone confirms that you are cool, or that they approve of your actions. It has nothing to do with dependence or peer pressure...just comradeship (sp?). We have all been brought together by the sharing of this highly momentous time in life when we are accomplishing our goals. We have seen eachother's pain and joy. We are like family, like it or not. Now we will all be torn apart. God give me the strength, because on May 4th I won't see a lot of my classmates again. As for you ahsirt, you'd better not leave me.

5:22 PM  

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