Monday, December 12, 2005

The Immorality of the Deathwatch...

I turned on Headline News this evening to see the headline - DEATHWATCH: Tookie's execution only hours away. I swear I think our society would pay to watch executions on Pay-Per-View. Honestly, what does that say about a society? I don't confess to be overtly Christian, or even overtly religious; however there is something immoral about murder. Fundamentally, murder is the taking of another's life. So, how is placing a needle in someone's arm and filling their body with poison any different than raising a 9mm to someone's head? The needle death is probably less painful... Don't get me wrong, Tookie Williams is not a role model. Hell, I think he's a horrible person. I just think it takes something away from society when we "celebrate" murder like this. I've given the death penalty significant thought. I've flipped back and forth on the pro- and anti- sides of the argument. Roma has talked with me about the morality (rather I should say immorality) of the death penalty. I think I became mostly anti-death penalty after watching a man die at the VAC this year. There's a finality to death like you can't believe.

The ironic part of all of this - they move a death row inmate to a special cell before execution so he can't commit suicide. WTF? Honestly...


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