Monday, March 20, 2006


I've been trying to eat healthier - been buying whole grain breads, not eating fried foods, and eating more fresh vegetables. Today I decided to fix whole-grain pasta, which boasted lowering my cholesterol along with adding 7g of protein to my meal. Quite frankly it was the worst pasta I've ever had. Cardboard has more flavor. Needless to say, it wasn't a big hit, so there was a ton left over after dinner. It kept swelling. For example, the amount in the strainer was the same after dinner as it was before 4 plates were filled. It was like the blob. To get rid of it, I fed it into the garbage disposal. BAD IDEA! It apparently continued to swell - in the garbage disposal and in the pipes. I have successfully clogged the entire downstairs plumbing up with wheat pasta. I've Drano-ed it, snaked it, prayed for it...NOTHING is working. Tomorrow the plumber's coming. The story of my life...I swear.

On the bright side - WVU is in the Sweet 16. :)


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