Friday, July 22, 2005

Pass the Benadryl

Last week, I decided to change laundry detergent AND fabric softener. This week, I've been battling a rash. In my old age, I have apparently developed sensitive skin. Great. I kept telling myself that the rash was getting better; however today I could lie to myself no longer. I got out of the shower and promptly noticed pancake-sized splotches everywhere from my chest to my feet. The were located on my abdomen and my back; my thighs and my knees; and even on my face. I finally gave in and called my doctor's office. You know its never a good sign when the receptionist is describing your symptoms and the doctor says, "I want to see her now!" So 45 minutes later, I was sitting on the examination table at the doctor's office. We went through a barrage of questions first to see if one of my patients had infected me. Since I was on vacation last week when the rash first appeared, we pretty much ruled that out. (He kept making sure that I hadn't been near Washington Hospital Center in a long time...HA!) After he deduced that I probably wasn't contagious, he decided to actually sit beside me. He was quite perplexed by the rash. Basically it consists of random patches of red circles about 4-5 inches in diameter with a yellow center. These patches are very warm to the touch. The largest one encompassed my entire lower back and the smallest was a fifty-cent-piece-sized welt just below my belly button. My doctor is pretty sure that I have contact dermatitis from the new laundry detergent. I have been placed on Allegra - of which I was to take 1 pill twice today and then 1 pill once daily for the next week. I also was instructed to use Aveeno fragrance free, dye free soap and Eucerin lotion after showering. He also suggested fragrance free laundry detergent - but I'm not ready to take that leap yet. I like the scent that Snuggle leaves on my clothes dammit! If Cindy Crawford can make a mole sexy, I surely can make a rash sexy! HA! :)


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