Sunday, September 18, 2005

Why I Love West Virginia

I spent today catching up on my "Auntie" duties. This afternoon, I accompanied my brother, his wife, and their two children to Charlotte's Web at a children's theater. The play was really cute and the kids enjoyed it. I even got led around the room by a rat (Timbleton for those familiar with the story). This evening, my sister's daughter was competing in the local Band Spectacular. I've never been much for marching bands...unless of course it is "The Pride of West Virginia" (that's the WVU marching band for thos unfamiliar with that nomenclature). And it just so happened that after the high school bands finished competing, the WVU marching band took the field. :) As I have said in previous posts, you have NOT lived until you have heard the WVU marching band play "Simple Gifts." I still get goosebumps when I hear that song. :) My niece's high school received three awards - Best Marching & Maneuvering, Best Conducter, and First Place in their division. She was ecstatic to say the least...and I must admit, they were really good (no WVU, but what can you expect???). On the way home from the competition, their buses passed a local fire department's squad gassing up at a 7-11. They stopped the buses and asked the guys if they would give them a flashing light escort back to the school. The guys did one better - they escorted them with lights blazing and siren blaring. They even through in a few horn honks for extra measure. My Dad is a lifelong member of this fire department and has volunteered for them for over 30 years. Sitting in my bedroom this evening, I started to reflect upon today and what it meant to me. I'd like to sum it up with a short list of things detailing why I love West Virginia.

1. My sister and her family live across the street from me. My brother and his family live 10 minutes from my house. I love spending time with my nieces and nephews and watching them grow. (Children used to not be my thing...these four have converted me!). Several generations of our family have been born and raised here...I'm happy to be one. Our family bonds are strong - I wouldn't want it any other way.

2. Being able to sing all the words to John Denver's "Country Roads" and get all teary eyed is something special...not as special as "Simple Gifts", but still special. For the first time in 5 years, I listened to the WVU marching band and did not regret not attending WVU, but rather felt a wave of pride to live in West Virginia. There was also a swell of pride for my sister - who was sitting beside me. (She's a WVU alumnus as well as a WVU Marching Band alumnus)

3. Honestly, where else would a small town marching band get a fire department escort home for placing first place in a competition? Some may think of it as "hick-ish," but I think it is just plain awesome.


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