Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Winds of Change

I have been experiencing disrest for several weeks. Since Martin's so graciously took my health insurance from me, I have been second guessing my work agreement with the company. There are several things at Martin's that I do not like...but the staff always made it worth staying there. Then a couple weeks ago, my boss and mentor mentioned that he was thinking of moving across the country. That really got the wheels turning in my head. I remember when I first started working at Martin's, my boss confided in me that he was considering leaving the company. I told him, "If you leave, I'm leaving." Well, it kind of ended up that way. After compiling the frustrations of losing my health benefits and having to work every other weekend, I decided enough was enough. I drafted my resignation letter on Saturday night after several beers - I was quite pissed that I was the only person at the party that had to work the following day. I had been mulling over quitting for about 4 weeks and I think my frustration was at an all time high (combine frustration with alcohol and compound that with Labor Day weekend and you get a highly strung Ahsirt). When I called my boss to tell him that I was unable to work September 18, he informed me that he was closing on his new house half way across the country on October 31. I told him that I was resigning and that my official last day would be October 30. As I thought about walking away from Martin's and leaving behind the staff...I was actually relieved. It felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders...an obligation gone. In all honesty, I think my boss knew this was coming. I cut back my hours 5 weeks ago and have discussed quitting before. I just finally followed through with my decision. It actually feels good. :)

PS - Buckcherry reunited and has released a new song. Buckcherry is the best band EVER! :) (Thanks Axis for making my night!)


Blogger ROMA said...

"Hey your a crazy bitch but you fuck so good I'm on top of it." Yeah great band. I'm so glad to hear Buckcherry or Buck berry, or Buckbeak is back together.

9:45 AM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

HA! I never said Buckcherry was G-rated. It's a good rock band though. :) Buckbeak - good one. LOL!

9:55 PM  

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