Monday, May 15, 2006

Fate Hates Me

Three months ago, my parents and I planned a trip to Boston for my graduation. It consisted of 2 1/2 days in Salem and 2 1/2 days in Plymouth. Yesterday I was watching the Weather Channel and was astounded to find that it's been raining quite a lot in New England. Yesterday the tally was something like 17" in Massachusetts. Then I saw a breaking news session in which the governor of Massachusetts declared a state of emergency due to the flooding. Apparently they haven't seen rain and flooding like this since 1936. Today I called and canceled the reservations out our two hotels. We have decided to take a two day tour of Lancaster and check out what the Amish are doing (which according to my sister is pretty much what they were doing 200 years ago). Murphy rears his ugly head again!


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