Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Sun Does Shine...

This past week made me realize what has made me so miserable at work lately - lack of patient contact. I spent this entire week up on the 4th floor working with patients who were preparing for discharge from the hospital. It was awesome. I've missed that interaction so much. Granted - there were some catankerous old men who wanted nothing more than for me to leave them alone - but on the whole, it was refreshing. I was discharging this 89yo guy and asked him if he had any questions for me. He replied, "I sure do Honey. Will you run away with me? We can get married and I'll fix you prime rib every night." HA! He was so cute. Then there was the guy who ripped his IV out while I was talking to him and showed me the needle. It was at this point that I realized his competancy was in question. At this point, I also ran for the nurse because I don't do needles or blood. Then there was the manic guy at the nurses station banging the tissue box demanding a doctor come see him N-O-W. He was dropping the F bomb like no one's business...but as soon as the cops came up the back stairwell and showed him they were packing heat - he immediately stopped banging the tissue box. He was escorted to the psych ward for an olanzapine shake. I also spent some time in the ICU working on a complex case. That was pretty challenging. And I even spent some time on 5C, our intermediate care unit, talking to a veteran about his medications. He was so appreciative that I sat down to talk with him. He really touched my heart. So - now I know what I need to keep me happy - patients!

Friday I also received my final letter of rec for the SU position. I am going through with the application. I just need to get out of the basement and back with my patients. Whether that means I get the 4th floor clinical job at the VA or leave for SU - I have to get out of the four walls. See...the sun does shine after all. :)


Blogger ROMA said...

Helping patients is what it is all about. No matter how good we are at getting the tedious part of our job done, and we both are very good. Never forget that this damn job is about them. I recently taught my first diabetes education class. Who would have thought that I could stand up in front of people for 3 hours and lecture? not me-- I hope you get the teaching position and the clinical position. Choices are what make life fun.

PS- Has any of the super-D's in WV committed to Barack yet or are they Hilary fuckers. (let's hear something political out of you)

1:43 AM  

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