Sunday, September 18, 2005

Goodbye XYZ, Hello VAC

Friday was my last day at the XYZ and I can't say I am one bit sorry. I was so fed up with it that I couldn't even stay my full 10 hours. We got rather slow at 7PM, so I told JJ that I was leaving. I took off my white coat, grabbed my purse, and walked out the swinging door. It was a great feeling - almost as great as when I left DC. I will be sharing my true thoughts about the XYZ on my site evaluation and not recommending it for future rotations. I was used as technician slave labor. I learned more at my regular job than I did at the XYZ. Tomorrow I start at the VAC. BB, a pharmacist from the XYZ, is starting at the VAC tomorrow as well. He couldn't take the XYZ either. He's meeting me in the lobby tomorrow morning to show me where I am supposed to go. At least I will start this rotation knowing someone. I think other students will start tomorrow to - which I am thankful for. Knowing someone makes the time go faster. First day jitters are setting in - not nervous about the rotation, just anxious about what to expect. At least tomorrow will be mainly orientation. In the end, I'm glad that when I leave I don't have to get on a train and ride 2 hours home. At least that's one positive thing... Oh and I'm pretty sure I'll get a lunch at this rotation. That's always a good thing.


Blogger ROMA said...

Hell yeah, lunch and 2 breaks, unions are great for the work force. Sucks when activist Republican judges and a Republican Congress and President allow corporations to steal and underfund union pensions and then allow them to default on them. Enjoy your time at the VAC. You will actually get to use your brain, but no one will listen to you because they are only veterans, and their healthcare is not really important and would cost way to much to be top notch. What do they really provide for our economy anyway?

10:21 PM  

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