Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Heart...

My cardiovascular rotation is going really well...a lot of work but good nonetheless. Part of my responsibility on this rotation is to follow several patients from admit to discharge. Since I'm on the cardiology unit, most of the patients are post-surgery or post-MI. Anyone who undergoes CABG (coronary artery bypass graph) is affectionately called a "heart." I had a heart last week - a really nice guy whose daughter is a pharmacist (read - totally open to pharmacy intervention). Yesterday, I got a 79 year old chest pain patient in the CCU. Since he was having a heart catherization, I was allowed to watch his procedure. I rode down in the elevator with him, talking to him. When we got in the cath lab, I had to go behind a window for protection from the x-rays. He couldn't find me, so he started yelling, "Where's my student? Where's my student?" The lab technician talked into a microphone and told him that I was behind the glass. He calmed down. During the procedure they discovered 4 blocked vessels. He was not receptive to CABG at all and wanted stents placed; however the cardiologist didn't think stent placement was a good idea. After the procedure, I went to his bedside and talked with him. He grabbed my hand and said he was scared of surgery. His eyes got all teary...and so did mine. It was heart breaking because I knew I couldn't change that. I went with him back to his room and stayed with him until he was settled. After lunch, I went back to him and he told me he was going to have the CABG because he still had a few more things he wanted to do before he died. I almost cried right there. I told him that he would be in my prayers and he thanked me. He undergoes the surgery tomorrow at 9:00am. From that point on, he'll officially be my new "heart." Unbeknownst to him, he's already become my heart.


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