Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Moral Battle...so to say

Last Wednesday was the first official day of my sixth rotation, which focuses on internal medicine. My preceptor's organizational skills are a little lacking; however I have to admit, he's a pretty good teacher. In the past week, I have reviewed community acquired pneumonia, atrial fibrillation, GI bleeds, and heart failure - just to name a few disease states. My preceptor, Dr. Coumadin, also coordinates a Coudmadin (hence his name) clinic for a doctor's office. The doctor's in this office highly respect Dr. Coumadin and ask his advice on drug therapy in difficult patients. Part of a bonus of being on a rotation with a guy with such tight ties to a doctor's office is free lunch. However, like most things in life, lunch really isn't "free." Every day drug representatives pushing their latest trade filter into the office witih free lunch, pens, and trinkets. I've spoke before about the evils of drug companies and their minions...I mean drug reps. I have a moral objection to the policies of corporate America in general - but it just so happens that I am intimately involved in the workings of the pharmaceutical world. In the past week, I've had assorted deli sandwiches, Chinese food, roasted chicken breast, and lasagna. The price - sell my soul to the drug companies that I so deeply hate. Today, as I was debating the ethics of enjoying lasagna while Patient X can't afford SaveMyLife (new drug), I decided that I was at least going to make the drug rep work for her money. Dr. Coumadin and I were having a discussion about other drugs in the same class as SaveMyLife. The drug rep was unable to keep up. She could only recite textbook data about her drug and was unable to explain why her product was superior. The redeeming moment of the day was when one of the internal medicine doctors told Ms. Rep "thanks for the lunch, but I'm still not prescribing your product." At the end of the day, I realize by eating lunch with the drug reps I am basically supporting their politics. Unfortunately, being a poor pharmacy student is prevailing at this point.


Blogger ROMA said...

You can stand up for your values in this one. Are you telling me that there is nothing to eat in your mother's house? You can not pack a lunch and tell the Drs that you object to them eating the drug manufacturers bribe food.

Just say "NO"

Remember that time that guy told you "NO" he was not buying you a ring after your first date. It is as easy as that.

11:52 PM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

Ok...I've about had it with you! I'm still getting the engagement jokes and you're 3000 miles away! :-p Anyway...I don't recall you every passing up Papa Johns pizza courtesy of Risperdal. Therefore, you have NO room to talk. :) Served...

4:42 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

Te drug they were pushing was Aciphex, but the same company. You know I have no morals. They were stripped from me along time ago by this cynical world. You still have a chance.

9:19 AM  

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