Sunday, March 26, 2006

On Being a Rat

Today I did something I never thought I would do - rat out my 14yo niece to her mother. My niece has opened a MySpace account and posted her picture, name, hometown, and high school name on her web page. She obviously did not realize the danger involved in this situation. The worst part is that she has been told at least twice not to use the site. Since she's grounded at her house, she came to my house and used my computer to hit the site and chat with her friends. Let me tell you - these are some lovely friends. Brandon Lee wore less face paint in The Crow. In her haste to not get caught, she left the site in my history viewer. She is still honing her "sneakiness" skills. I think the most disappointing/disturbing aspect was that she states on the site that she has used drugs and when asked how many types, she says "2." I realize that teens exagerate to impress their friends, but it's still un-nerving. After a discussion with my brother and his wife, we all decided that my sister should know. I called her over to the house and showed her the site. My brother showed her the freaky friends and explained his concern, followed by his wife, and then me. Let's put it this way - I'm glad I wasn't at her house this evening. I'm sure I've now become the "evil bitch aunt." But if I have to be the bitch aunt to protect her, I'll be the bitch aunt. And I swear, if she's done drugs - her mother will be the least of her problems.


Blogger Axis of Evil said...

This whole situation reminds me of a scene from M.A.S.H. - Season 1. Ron Howard plays a 16 year old boy who lies about his age to join the Marines. He's fighting in Korea to get a medal so he can win back his girlfirend who left him for a veteran. Hawkeye realizes he's under age and confronts him, but initially decides to let him make his own decisions. However, later in the episode, a dear friend of Hawkeye's dies on his table from wounds suffered while researching a book. Hawkeye decides that while he is too late to stop his friend's senseless death, he can stop one young man from senselessly dying by turning Ron Howard over to the MPs. Howard's character is furious and tells Hawkeye that he's a rat fink and that he will "hate you for the rest of my life." Hawkeye's reply: "Let's hope its a long a healthy hate."

I held this girl in my arms on her first day home from the hospital. I helped her learn how to walk. She's always had a special place in my heart. If I have to go from the cool Uncle to the bastard Uncle to protect her, so be it. Let's hope its a long and healthy hate...

3:33 PM  
Blogger ThatIsMeWhat said...

Sometimes it's necessary to be a "rat" when it comes to protecting our loved ones, especially those who aren't old or wise enough to protect themselves. MySpace sounds like a perfect place for predators to lurk...

5:08 PM  

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