Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Got Hope?

If you pull in my driveway, this is the first thing you see. :) My mother purchased this awesome Obama head for display at my house. Isn't it the coolest? I have it displayed with my Obama 08 sign. I made my first ever monetary contribution to a political campaign last week. I never thought that I'd ever throw money at a politician. That being said, if there was ever a man that could change the course of this country, it is Barack Obama. And - I am going to do everything in my power to get him elected in November. (Sorry honey, this includes tying you up on election day so that you cannot vote for McCain!!! Ah, my Republican boyfriend...God love him. One day he'll see the errors of his way. But, until he does, I'll have to keep the rope handy.)

Senator Jay Rockefeller is officially supporting Obama's bid for the presidency. And apparently, he's also pissing off McCain. Honestly, mudslinging will only hurt our efforts to win the election. It was in the 2004 election that the Republicans were attempting to tarnish Kerry's service record. McCain is decorated war veteran - no one should attempt to take that away from him. His military service record should not be the focal point of this election. We need to focus the current state of affairs in the United States - the war in Iraq, ever rising gas prices, the impending recession, a crashing housing market, etc, etc, etc. Let's not focus on a war that was fought 40 years ago. Obama can change this country for the better. I know it.



Blogger ROMA said...

Thank you.

Now get that old senile bastard you love so much to back Barack.

And I ask for political commentary, not your sex life. Other than Cflo always commenting about your ass, he always said he bet you were a freak in the bed.

PS-Do your neighbors hate you guys?

12:30 AM  

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