Sunday, September 25, 2005

Tales From the OR - Part I: Preparation

I spent Friday morning in the OR suites at the VAC. I was quite apprehensive about watching surgery. I have never been much on blood and guts. My sister and father have served in the EMS here in our hometown, but I never felt the drive to do the same. It's not the blood and guts that bother me as much as the emotions that injured individuals express. Knowing that the guy being operated on would be unconscious, I figured I'd be fine. So Friday, I reported to the women's locker room in the surgical center. I met some totally awesome nurses who explained the entire routine to me. Jaunita totally freaked me out - even though she was just trying to be honest. She left me at OR Suite #2 to watch a hernia repair. Standing there by myself, looking into the suite, I started to totally freak out. I don't know if it was the huge lights, the anesthesia machine, or just the entire atmosphere, but I actually started to have a panic attack. Lucky for me, a very nice older man came by and started talking to me. He took me to OR Suite #6 where they were going to be performing endoscopies and colonoscopies. He promised no blood and no guts. When I entered the room, Jaunita was there. She was surprised to see me and when I explained my panic attack, she hugged and hugged me. She told me I would be fine in the scope room and promised to take good care of me. The first patient was an older gentleman having a endoscopy performed. I watched the entire procedure and did fine. While I was in the post-op area with him, Jaunita grabbed me by the arm and said, "You are coming with me." I said, "Where are going?" She just know that smile that looks like a cat who just at a canary. She introduced me to Kathy - the charge nurse for Suite #2 (the room where the hernia surgery would be). She told Kathy to take good care of me and before I could object Jaunita was hugging me and telling me goodbye. And so I was off to the OR for real this time...


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