Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Lessons From California

I just returned from a short vacation in San Francisco. It was a much needed break. :) I learned some valuable lessons on this trip. First and foremost - never, never, never fly JetBlue airlines. There's a reason their fares are dirt cheap - and it ain't because they're a great airline. The second lesson was that California is light years ahead of the east coast in regards to wind power. Driving out the the giant trees, there were huge wind mill farms. However, I must admit, their smog problem is a bit overwhelming. I suppose not burning fossil fuels for power is the least they could do. Third, I'm not so sure that "happy cows come from California." Most of the cows I saw looked miserable. They were rather scrawny and were put out to pasture in fields that looked like they hadn't received a drop of rain since the turn of the century. I can't speak for all cows, but I'm sure WV cows would agree that GREEN grass is much better than burnt, brown, dead grass. Just a thought...

Since my last post, I have worked three additional evening shifts. My schedule got switched when we realized one of our pharmacists can't handle the stress of working alone. Let's see, he's been a pharmacist for 20 years and makes the same salary as I and doesn't have to work evenings. Sounds fair, right? I'm not bitching too much - night differential pads the check a little more. Since commanding that evening from Hell, I have found that there's pretty much nothing they can throw at me that I can't handle. I'm not saying I won't stress out about it, but I can definitely handle it.

And Roma this is for you - my Harry Potter synopsis. Unlike Roma, I rather enjoyed the fifth movie. I thought integral parts were left out; however I liked the dark feeling of the movie. I hated the fourth movie. So, I'm hoping this director stays for the rest of the series. To prevent spoiling the 7th book for anyone who hasn't read it - I'll just say that I confess myself severely disappointed in the ending. I found it anticlimactic. I was left wondering where the final chapter was...maybe I got one of those books missing pages??? I also felt at the end there were just deaths for the sake of dying, rather than for a cause. Such a disapointing end to an amazing book series. Any thoughts Roma?

Buckcherry concert countdown = 3 weeks, 3 days



Blogger ROMA said...

I actually liked the ending but just not the last touchy feely chapter. I felt there was a lot of loose ends, but overall I liked the book. I think she could have said all the same things in about 200 fewer pages, and just did not like all the angst in the middle. I really liked Harry being the 6th Horcrux or 5th to be destroyed and Snape being good.

10:35 PM  
Blogger ROMA said...

Oh and by the way, maybe one of these times you can have a 2 day layover in Albuquerque.

10:37 PM  
Blogger ahsirt said...

I also felt the middle of the book dragged a bit. I was suprised by the horcrux and Harry - but I thought it was a great addition and made sense. I always thought Snape was acting on Dumbledore's orders; however I didn't realize how truly devoted he was to Lily. I thought it was touching that Harry names his son after him. My biggest disappointment was the loose end with Tonks's & Lupin's son. I figured that Harry would take the role with their child that Sirius took with him. I was really expecting that, and was a bit disappointed that that didn't play out. The 6th book is still my favorite. :)

11:13 PM  

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