Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Headlines That Piss Me Off

1. Tom Delay States Indictment is an Act of "Political Retribution."
~This one really doesn't deserve a comment, so all I'm going to say is this - if Senator Robert Byrd was indicted on a conspiracy charge, Delay would call it a "political victory." Stop your whining wussy pants! You got caught, now deal with it!

2. US Troops Traded Iraq Photos for Porn Access
~This disgusts me and highly pisses me off! It is when our armed forces do things like this that turn our citizens against the military. These weren't pictures of their war buddies, or even pictures of Iraqi citizens. These were pictures of DEAD people. You don't get much sicker than that. I think the VAC has a special place for them on the Pyscho Ward...
~Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of men and women over there that are NOT engaged in these kinds of activities. It is those men that deserve our support - not these dredges of society.

3. Dover Area School District Mandates Intelligent Design
~Ok. I'm not a law student, but I'm pretty sure this one is toeing that whole separation of Church and State line. That aside, let's be plausible here. What really makes more sense? The fact that the earth is BILLIONS of years old, evolution brought us from the pond to the top of the food chain, and that there is actually EVIDENCE to support this...OR....the idea that the earth is thousands of years old, one day God said "let there be light," He made a little garden where he placed all kinds of cutsy wutsy animals, and then he made Adam and then took his rib and made Eve? I'm going with evolution on this one. Best part - Creationists think there is more evidence for "intelligent design" (and I use that term VERY loosely) than there is for evolution. And that evidence would be....the Bible? Right...very plausible. (Note dripping sarcasm). Don't get me started on how many times the Bible has been changed to fit political views. For further information, read The Davinci Code or The Templar Revolution or Woman with the Alabaster Jar or simply read the Gnostic Gospels. Bottom line - evolution belongs in the science classroom and creationism belongs NO where but the church.


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